Personal Weighing MachineBetween 1950 and 1980 the Company manufactured a range of personal weighing machines for use in hospitals, health authorities, clinics, welfare centres, gyms, doctors and chemists. Illustrated on the right is a Baby Weigher, capacity 40lb x ¼ oz. And pictured right is the Combined Baby and Toddler Weigher, capacity 60lb x ½oz, with baby Peter and baby William. The Lion News in March 1967 reported that
a post card had been received from Dr. John Herbert, a great grandson of
our founder (George Herbert), saying "I am on a tour of Senegal, Gambia and
Nigeria, and have just seen one of your baby scales (pictured right)
being worked hard by a UK Medical Council unit in the far bush here.
Dr Herbert is a Veterinary Surgeon and a specialist in tropical animal
Examples of our personal weighing machines being used for medical purposes can be read here in a nutritional surveillance study by St. Thomas's Medical School, London in 1973, and here on page 6 of a study on the usefulness of the Energy/Protein Index in assessing obesity at the Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana, Cuba in 1981.
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