Pig Carcase GraderThis instrument was used to grade pigs by measuring the thickness of the belly and fat in conjunction with the carcase weight. Producers were then paid according to this grade.
The Pigs Marketing Scheme came into operation on 9 September 1933 in an effort to control the price and supply of pigs. Registered producers had to sell bacon pigs under contract confirmed by the Board and to agree to deliver a certain number of pigs each month.
There were many flaws in the scheme, and in 1935, in an effort to improve it, changes were made to the grading system as follows:
A pig with an 'A' shoulder and a ‘D' belly ranks for payment as C Grade in Classes 1 and 2. A pig with an 'A' shoulder and 'C' belly weighing 7 score 10 Ib. and over receives a bonus of 3d. per score in the appropriate class. The payment grade of such pigs will be identified by the code letter ‘S'. The maximum shoulder measurement for the basic pig in Class 3 is increased by 1/8 in.
These markings can be seen on the instrument, one side (per photograph) marked for ‘Fat’, the reverse for ‘Belly’.
The scheme was unsuccessful, and was abandoned in 1937.
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