Jabez WedderburnThis photograph shows the 24 persons attending the firm's outing on July 11th 1864 to the Kings Head in Chigwell, Essex, a pub made famous by its inclusion in Charles Dickens' ‘Barnaby Rudge' as the Maypole Inn.
One of the attendees is a Wedderburn, but which one?
Jabez Wedderburn I was born about 1797, and trained as a scale maker in London with William Lewis Nicholl.
He subsequently went into business on his own account, handing over to his son, Jabez II (1827-1882), so it is likely that Jabez II was the Wedderburn attending the first Herbert outing to the Kings Head in Chigwell in 1864.
By 1881 Wedderburns had several branches in London, and other sons of the family started businesses in Australia and South Africa. After the death of Jabez II, his widow Harriet took over for a short period, followed by her son Frederick William Wedderburn.
At about the same time another son George Arthur Wedderburn moved to Southampton and bought up the business of Henry Wood, who had sold his London business to us in 1867. The firm is still in existence as GA Wedderburn & Co Ltd.