1866 - Kings Head, ChigwellThe following report of an outing to the Kings Head, Chigwell on Saturday 15th September 1866 appeared in a local newspaper:
The annual treat of the workmen in the employ of Messrs. T. Herbert and Son, of St. George's East and Gray's-inn-road, came off on Saturday last, the place selected being the well-known hostelry, the King's Head, at Chigwell. The day being exceptionally fine until evening, the drive down, by a four-horse omnibus, proved an exceedingly pleasant one, and a very excellent dinner and dessert being provided, this portion of the day's proceedings passed over equally pleasant. After the cloth was removed, the health of Mr. Herbert, Mrs. Herbert, and family was proposed by Mr. Wallace, an old friend of Mr. Herbert, who, with a few other friends, had been invited to join the party. It is needless to remark that the toast was very warmly received. The health of Mr. George Herbert was also specially drunk, and of Mrs. G. Herbert, with a profusion of good wishes upon their recent marriage. Mr. Herbert and his son having responded, the foremen of the two establishments were also proposed in some appropriate remarks by Mr. Herbert (who referred to his own "rising from the ranks”) upon the nature of the arrangements which he endeavoured to promote, and which he trusted always would subsist between himself and those whom he employed. "The Visitors,” for whom Mr. J. Stephens and Mr. Wallace responded, and some other toasts were drunk; and country rambles then became the order of the day. The major portion of the party reassembled at tea, and after a day spent most harmoniously drove back to St. George-street, where they separated. The meeting was one of a kind which cannot be too highly commended, and it is not too much to say that every event of the day gave evidence of the existence of a cordial feeling between the Messrs. Herbert and their employees, such as is always most gratifying to witness, and must conduce to the ultimate interests of both parties to the contract of labour.