1868 - Kings Head, Chigwell

The following report of an outing to the Kings Head, Chigwell in 1868 appeared in a local newspaper:
On Saturday the firm of Messrs. Herbert and Sons, of West Smithfield, Gray's-inn-road, and St. George-street, took their workmen to the King's Head, Chigwell, for their annual outing. At the dinner, which was excellently served, Messrs. Herbert took the chair and vice-chair. The Chairman gave the toast of "The Employees.” Messrs. Bond, Flatt, and Goss having responded for the three shops, Mr. Bond gave "Success to the Firm.” The Chairman, in responding, spoke of the cordiality existing between the masters and men. The remaining toasts were "The Visitors,” proposed by Mr. Herbert Herbert, and responded to by Mr. Betts, and "The Ladies,” proposed by Mr. Knowles, and responded to by Mr. Brown, who presided at the piano. At six o'clock tea was provided, and at nine o'clock a start was made for home, a pleasant drive closing a most enjoyable day.

1868 - Kings Head, Chigwell