1864 - Smithfield Club ShowThe firm exhibited at the Smithfield Club Show, held at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, between Monday 5th and Friday 9th December 1864.
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The Farmer's Magazine carried this report of the 1864 Show:
In this section we deal with the lighter descriptions of implements, together with some things that have little special connection with agriculture. Washing machines, clothes-wringers, knife-cleaners and sharpeners, hair pomade, and mouse-traps, are not articles whose use is confined to the farming community; but the vendors thereof take advantage of this, as they would of any other opportunity of meeting face to face the many-headed multitude of the metropolis. As these nondescript exhibitors are so intermixed with those which are exclusively agricultural, it will be easiest to take the stands in order. Below-stairs there are thirty-seven exhibitors; above, we begin therefore with stand 37.
Thomas Herbert, 319, Grays Inn Road - A quantity of well-made weighing machines, for all departments of a farmers' business.